Is Gravity a Force?

The graviton makes gravity difficult to explain. It must move in a wave form, since evidence of gravitational waves have been discovered. The graviton produces a push and pull, based on its wave movement. The push is associated with the crest of the wave, since as the graviton moves up in wave form a push results. The pull is associated with the trough of the wave, since as the graviton moves down in wave form a pull results. So how does the push and the pull produce a force of attraction which is how gravity is described by Isaac Newton? The frequency of the graviton movement varies, just like with blue light compared to red light. The frequency of gravitons per sec is higher closer to the objects mass, thus in comparison to light a violet color would be expected close to the mass or higher frequency of gravitons per second. At the top of Mt. Everest a lower frequency of gravitons per second would be observed, thus in comparison to light a red color would be expected further from the mass or lower frequency of gravitons per second. How does this frequency change produce a force of attraction? Electrons move in opposite spin, and two are allowed in each orbital. Why? In a river, water can separate into layers causing the water under the top layer to move at a different rate. If the water were to move in both directions then undertow would not be observed. This is the reason electrons pair up in the Atomic orbital's of the atom. The gravitons are paired up in layers around the mass of an object. This creates the downward force of attraction, since the right and left cancel out and the frequency of the graviton is higher closer to the mass of the substance. The differences in the frequency of the graviton produce the differences in the gravity observed at the Dead Sea and Mt. Everest. The gravity is higher at the Dead Sea due to the higher frequency of gravitational waves. The gravity is lower at Mt. Everest due to the lower frequency of gravitational waves.

Thus the graviton is moving in a wave form. The graviton is a particle and the gravitons on the Earth repel the gravitons from the Sun. This creates a balance and allows the Earth to maintain its orbit and not randomly move closer to the sun or further away from the sun.

The most important point about the graviton concerns its wave form or movement! As the graviton moves from its source of mass, then it acts like a push on other matter in the way. As the graviton moves from its farthest point and begins to return to its original mass, then it acts like a pull. This would be the pull of gravity that Isaac Newton described. However, it appears that gravitons move in layers around the mass similar to the electron configuration of the atom. The gravitons form gravity layers.

Gravitons can group together, just like photons and form gravitational waves. The larger the mass of the system results in the formation of a higher frequency of gravitons with smaller gravitational waves similar to blue or violet light that can be produced during electron transition of energy levels during the burning of a metal or during fusion in the sun. Most of the hydrogen in the sun resists fusion, since the majority of hydrogen in the sun is hydrogen with only one proton and zero neutron. Hydrogen with a mass of two will fuse and form Helium. Hydrogen with a mass of three will fuse with hydrogen one. Hydrogen two and Hydrogen three are not abundant, and this is the reason the sun consistently undergoes fusion for a long period of time. Moreover, the fusion process releases a lot of energy from just a small number of atoms being fused. Thus the Sun's gravitational push and pull extends farther than the Earth.

Electron transition between energy levels creates visible light, thus photons bond together forming different wavelengths. Photon bonding is a new study of science that we know very little about due to the small mass of the photon. Gravitons most likely bond together as well. The bonding of the photons can be broken physically with a prism, so the strength of its bonding will be weaker than van der Waals forces. The size of the atom determines the color of the light emitted when electrons transition during a flame test. This indicates that the gravity of a hotter or warmer object should be stronger than the gravity of a cold or cooler object. Temperature is a measure of movement and for gravitons to group together in a wave form of high frequency would require greater movement. The strength of the graviton bonding is unknown, similar to the strength of photon bonding, since no experiment has been done to examine it. Graviton bonding is most likely stronger than photon bonding, because of it's higher frequency and velocity.Can gravitons affect the movement of light?

The gravity on the Sun is 28 times that of the Earth and it can extend out up to two light years away. This indicates that the sun is producing gravity in a similar pattern to light waves. The graviton has an extremely small mass, so small that it can move through space at far distances and return to its original location. Light tends to disperse out and not return. Gravity by definition indicates that the graviton returns to its original location. Gravity is associated with a force of attraction. If the graviton only left the sun and did not return, then no force of attraction would be observed. If the graviton moved back to its original mass, then gravity would not be predictable. There would be a lot of gravitons moving in multiple layers. The graviton model is most likely similar to the electron configuration model. Gravitons fill orbits around the mass similar to the electron filling orbital's in the atom. A specific orbit can hold a certain number of gravitons. If tests are done in matter to find the gravitons, then the results would be similar to trying to find an electron in the nucleus. The gravity at the top of Mt. Everest is about 0.434% less than standard, and the gravity at the Dead Sea is about 0.076% less than standard. The best location to conduct a study of gravity would be at the Dead Sea, since a vertical measurement needs to be made of the gravity decrease from 0.076% to the height of Mt. Everest at 0.434%. This test would confirm if any layers exist, meaning that a significant decrease occurs at a specific distance from the Earth. Moreover, the test would confirm a pattern of gravity increase moving toward the Earth and a gravity decrease moving from the Earth. The point where the force of gravity of the moon cancels the force of gravity of Earth could be the location to end the test or the location of a balanced gravity. Matter can't hold onto empty space or nothing, since nothing does not provide an anchor to slow the spin of the Sun. If the Sun spins too fast, then all of its mass would be pushed away from the system to the surroundings. The graviton acts like the silk of a spider web to cling to other substances, since the gravity of the Sun seeks to attract the Earth to it; the Earth resists this because of its own gravity which produces repulsion. An aircraft carrier while at sea can drop an anchor to stop or maintain one position. The repulsion of the ocean floor to the movement of the water provides the aircraft carrier with the ability to stop and hold a position in the moving water. The gravity of the Sun extends beyond the Earth, so the repulsion of the Earth's gravity provides an anchor for the Sun to slow its spin.

The graviton produces gravity in layers almost like a spider web. The gravitons that travel the farthest from an object have the highest frequency. The frequency decreases gradually from the farthest point to produce a gravity layer affect, similar to rings on a tree. An object that comes in contact with the outer layer can be pulled into closer layers and eventually pulled into the planet or star. Gravitons repel each other, so objects like planets can repel the gravitons from the sun and prevent being consumed by the web of gravity. The closer the object gets to the substance with the greater force of gravity the more difficult it is for the repulsion to be over come and the object will collide with the planet as seen when a comet strikes the moon, earth, or other planet. The web of gravity plays an important role in the stability of the star, since without it the star would spin too fast and discharge all of its mass.

The atomic model of electron configuration provides the best method to explain the nature of the graviton. If every graviton moved back to the center of the mass then that would not create stability. It is difficult to explain why the electrons will occupy space that is around the atom. Trying to explain why gravitons would fill an orbit around a mass is difficult to explain as well. The large mass of a planet or sun produces a subatomic opposite effect. The how and why electrons are capable of filing so many different atomic orbital's with out complete chaos is note worthy. Pictures/ChemicalBonding.pdf